Whether you spell it Chanuka, Chanukah, Hanukka or Hanukah or…
Winter has arrived.
Here in Israel that means cooler air and weather that they like to call unstable. In the space of an hour you can go from a torrential downpour, to a shining warm sun and then back to a cold, hard rain.
And it gets dark so early.
But never mind. Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, is around the corner.
The one in which we celebrate the victory of good over evil, of the few versus the many, of bringing light into the darkness.
In Israel Chanuka is our holiday season.
It’s an eight day extravaganza of tradition: lighting our chanukiyot (menorahs), eating sufganiyot (jelly donuts) and levivot (latkes), spinning our sevivonim (dreidels) and of course, chocolate dmei Hanukah (Hanukka gelt).
And gifts. Who doesn’t love to receive a Chanukah gift?
By now you know that gifts are just one of Tamarim Concierge’s specialties.
We just love hunting for the best boutique Israeli products we can find (and these are not products that can be easily found in your local Israeli supermarket). Tamarim Concierge loves designing beautiful gift baskets. And yes, we even love wrapping and delivering.
You can shop our online Chanuka store where we have a variety of gifts available in different price ranges to suit your needs.
Hanukah gifts from Tamarim Concierge can include specialty Israeli wines, exclusive olive oils, unique teas and coffees and upscale chocolates.
We also have baskets for those who love Israeli dried fruits and nuts.
There’s even a cook-your-own-pasta basket for those who just love to wear a chef’s hat, and a dorm-party gift basket for your gap-year student who is spending the holiday away from family and home (warm cozy socks included).
And let’s not forget the Hanukka gift basket that is sure to wow anyone with a sweet tooth.
You know you can rely on Tamarim Concierge to create a custom-made gift basket which will perfectly suit your needs—whether you need a gluten-free or nut-free order or any other special request you may have.
Of Course. We Do That.
It doesn’t really matter how you spell it, Chanukah is always a memorable time of year.
Tamarim Concierge is happy to help you celebrate.
We wish all our clients a Chag Urim Sameach. May it be a holiday of light and joy throughout the world.